International Master of Business Administration (IMBA)

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International Master of Business Administration (IMBA)

The international business environment is rapidly changing..and a different market reality is emerging. As a student of today and manager of the future, you need to adapt andadopt flexible patterns of thinking and behaviour tosucceed as global manager of tomorrow.

The International Masters in Business Administration (IMBA)has been designed with this in mind, as it explores in detailthe nature and implications of the changes in the businessenvironment and provides you with the skills and mindsetthat will allow you to operate effectively within such anunstable and unpredictable environment. You'll also betaught to successfully lead the organisations of the future,regardless of sector or country.




The entire programme consists of 180 credits (6 modules+1 Research Project) over 16 months. Students will pursuethe first semester (60 credits) in Munjal Birmingham CityUniversity Centre of Innovation & Entrepreneurship(MBCIE), India and continue with the remaining semester(120 credits) and Research project along with BirminghamCity University (BCU), UK.

Semester Credits
Semester 1 in India, MBCIE Campus (3 Module) 60
Semester 2 in UK, BCU Campus (3 Module) 60
Capstone project with dissertation in UK,BCU Campus 60
Total 180


The course has been designed to provide graduates withexpertise in strategy, marketing, leadership, finance, globalhuman resource management, international business,entrepreneurship, operations and project management,and research skills.
You can apply your skills to start and boost your business,or you can discover employment opportunities from ourextensive network of local, regional and national employers.

The course strongly emphasizes employability andenhancing employability skills and will help you developgeneral communication and inter-personal skills. This willallow you to complete a credit-bearing, ProfessionalPlacement as an integral part of your Master's Degree.The placement experience will allow you to evidence yourprofessional skills, attitudes and behaviours at the entry tothe postgraduate job market.

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